Valentine's Day and Storkvision Ultrasound

We had such a good weekend.  On Thursday my Dad and Grandma came up from Baton Rouge and stayed with Lilli while Matt and I went to the deer camp for a night alone.  Matt cooked a delicious meal of fried shrimp, fried mushrooms and sweet potato fries. 
  They have a great fryer up there and fried shrimp is one of my favorite foods so this was exactly what I wanted.  We had a pretty lazy night but it was so nice to be alone with no responsibilities.  Friday morning we got up and continued our Valentine's Day with a couples massage and lunch in the Boardwalk.  We got home early in the afternoon and spend the rest of the day visiting with my Dad and Grandma.

Saturday morning we had our 4D ultrasound at Storkvision and got our first peek of Kathleen Jane.
She wasn't as cooperative as Lilli was when we had one 3 years ago but we still got a few good pictures and it's always fun to see her regardless.  It was the first time Nana had ever seen an ultrasound so it was especially neat to have her here with us.  After we all got a good view of Kathleen, we all went to the Oyster Bar for a nice lunch outside.
Pops and Nana left from there to go back to Baton Rouge and Matt, Lilli and I went home for a quiet afternoon by ourselves.  It was a great weekend!


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