Babies Everywhere

Yesterday Hailey and Case dropped by for a visit just a little bit before Chris and Carissa came over to have dinner and hang out. That meant we had 4 under 4 (well really 3 were under 7 months!) plus 3 dogs. Saturday nights sure have changed over the last few years. 
Lilli loves to hold the babies. 

Katie was cracking up at her cousin. 

Hailey got to meet Alex. It's crazy what a difference 3 months makes. Case is only 4 months but holding one month old Alex makes you realize how fast they grow. 

On Thursday, Yaya called and invited us to a picnic at the duck pond.  We spent a couple of hours there and Lilli loved every second. 

It was especially nice because we had no plans when we got up that morning so what was going to be a boring day just hanging around the house turned out to be really fun. 


  1. hahahaha.....Katiejane thinks she's sooooo grown up compared to baby Case!!!


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