Trick or Treat 2014

We made it to Baton Rouge about 30 minutes before it was time to walk out the door to trick or treat last night.  We had gone back and forth more times than I can count over 48 hours as to whether or not we would be there so we were all super excited we made it! Between Matt's job getting pushed back and Lilli waking up Halloween morning with strep throat we were not sure it was in the cards but I'm glad we went ahead and left because it was too much fun. Lilli decided probably a month ago that she wanted to be a peacock and wanted Katie to match her.  They couldn't have been more precious! 

Piper was Elsa and their friend, Violet was a fairie.  Dan and Anna are getting a little too cool but Dan did wear all black and put on some fake blood and Anna had on a dress and pig ears. Because of course they're not old enough to be too cool for free candy :) 

Lilli loved running around with her cousins (a little strep isn't slowing her down!) and Katie discovered the wonder of the magical holiday where you dress up and run around with a bunch of other kids while adults hand you free candy and Mom doesn't stop you from eating it.  She laughed the whole time! We were out a little over an hour and she walked most of the time but was very thankful Dad agreed to pull a wagon for a few rests and to carry her bucket that was as big as she was too. 

Happy Halloween!!!


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