Lambs, Ponies and Camels.... Oh my!

I saw on Facebook the other day that there were some new baby sheep (Lilli, "they're called lambs, mom"... Oh right!) at Jubliee Zoo so of course we had to go. To be honest I wanted to see them as much as she did. All of the boys are at the deer camp for a work weekend so Hailey and Case got to come with us. There were 6 lambs from (we think) 3 different Moms and they were so cute! We also got to ride ponies. I'm not sure where she got it but Katie has been telling me for a week that she wants to "ride a horsey" so it was perfect that I got to grant that wish too. Case wasn't too sure at first but I think he liked it. All of that was fun but the part I always like most is the hay ride where you get to see the big animals. It was hilarious to watch Hailey's reaction when the huge camel came running up to us ready to eat out of our hands. She was more unsure than the kids but she she ended up loving "Dezi." Case reacted the same way b...