Snow Days 2015

Bossier Parish Schools have been closed the last 3 days because of bad weather.  It sleeted on Monday and there was enough ice to play with.  Matt even got out and threw some "sleet" balls. 

Then Tuesday the roads were to bad so they closed again.  By mid day it had cleared enough for me to go by the office and the gym so I was glad to get out because I was going stir crazy.  Then today we had more snow than I've seen in the 14 years I've lived in North Louisiana.  There were huge snowflakes and it was beautiful.  The whole family got out in it and built a snowman and had a snowball fight. 

It's a good thing we ended up doing that before the kids nap because by the time they woke up the snow had stopped and half of it was melted.  It didn't last long but it was fun while it did! But this Mama is glad to go back to normal routine tomorrow. 


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