Thanks Cap'n!!!

I went to the lake today for a lesson in jelly making from Cap'n. (And to pick up the girls because Yaya kept them last night-thank you!! Especially considering today was their 38th!!! Anniversary) Now I have to admit that I cheated and really shouldn't even be able to take credit because Cap'n had done the hard part before I even got there. He picked and washed the Mayhaws and made the juice several weeks ago so all we had to do was the actual jelly making. It started with boiling 8 cups of juice and then we added 2 boxes of pectin Once that boiled for 3 minutes, I added 10 cups of sugar and let that boil one more minute From there Cap'n poured them in to the jars and we took them outside to can them in a water bath After 10 minutes of processing, we were done! (Well this is 2 batches so we really did that process twice) And we ended up with 20 jars of deliciousness that I'm super excited about! I've wanted to learn how to do this for years and in the next ...