Best Day Ever!

Lilli had the "best day ever" since she started school (all of 2 months ago, lol). It started with a morning field trip (her first ever) to the fire station and 911 call center. Parents weren't allowed on this one but a friend of mine that is a room Mom sent me a few pictures. 

Then she got a great surprise when she walked in to the cafeteria... Yaya was there to eat with her!
She was also waiting at our house to watch her getting off the bus. She brought home her first report card today. They don't get real grades in kindergarten but she got O (outstanding) in everything. Doesn't surprise me. 

And to top it off, we had time to get to gymnastics early so they got 20 minutes of play time before class. 

I hope that means she'll sleep well tonight. They have to get rested up to visit Uncle Shanny and Alex after school tomorrow! 


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