Cork Wine Festival

 Matt and I had the best time with Cassie and a couple of her other friends at Cork yesterday.  We'd been looking forward to this and getting to see her for awhile.  I can't believe it had been almost 2 years!

I don't know that he was initially thrilled with the idea of Cork but this was part of his birthday present to me and he ended up having a good time.  He said he'd go again and I hope Cassie may make this a tradition and bring Dillon next time. :)
After it was over, I rode with Matt to take our babysitter home and then he dropped me at Red River Brewery to meet back up with them and took the girls home.  He'll never know how much little gestures like that mean.  I wasn't ready to be done hanging out with my friend!
From there we went to Horseshoe for a few more hours.  It was a fun night and I'm so thankful for the time I got even if was only a day.


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