4th Fun & ALREADY???

Happy Birthday America! Ok, I'm a day late but we had such a lazy day yesterday that I didn't even want to put forth the effort to write a blog post. As we always do the weekend before the 4th, we spent the weekend at the lake with Yaya, Capn, Chad, Rachel, Austin and Josey. (The other group was at their Lake Oauchita cabin) It was a day full of food, drinks and pool fun. We always love a day at Rio Bonito.

Then yesterday, for Matt's day off, we had the laziest day we'd had in awhile. I literally didn't get out of my pjs all day. We did pop some fireworks last night and we have some chicken kids! They each tried one sparkler and were too scared to touch another. And they were practically in the garage when Matt was popping the big ones.

It's hard to believe that we just celebrated the 4th and now school starts back 4 weeks from today. Already??!! It's crazy early this year. I'm going to like the extra breaks during the year but I'm not ready for Lilli to go back. 

We got ready the other day though. We bought school supplies and uniforms Monday so at least now we don't have to talk about it until it starts. She's not ready but she is missing her friends. We're having a party Friday with 6 kids from her school so she can see some of her best ones. She's been asking for a summer party for 2 years and I finally gave in but not only because she wants it. I told her girls that have good attitudes and mind the first time like she (usually) does, plus have never "clipped down"at school (changed color because of behavior) and always has straight A's gets rewarded sometimes. She's had to work for it though. Just today she spent 3 hours cleaning the pool and yard, baseboards, windows and her room. She said, "parties are a lot of work!" You're telling me baby. :) 


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