Camp Wedding

Hailey's sister, Mallory, got married in a gorgeous wedding last night. It was opening weekend of teal season so Rachel and I decided to make it a girls night and leave the boys at the camp and the kids with a sitter. (Yaya is on a trip right now with her best girlfriend)

We kept Case and Lane during the ceremony since Josh and Hailey were both in it

From there we went to the Camps house for a beautiful reception with the most amazing flowers and candles decorating every inch. And such good food!

The kids had lots of fun with the sitter that night but the most fun of the weekend (at least according to the girls) was planting mustard green with Capn at the camp Saturday morning.

(I love that he took a selfie) And Lilli better watch out because I have a feeling she's about to get put to work! Between helping the guys clean the birds for the first time, and washing dishes after breakfast, she's proving to be pretty useful around there. :)


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