Thanksgiving Traditions

I’ve been spending Thanksgiving at the camp since before Matt and I were married and we’ve been in this house since Lilli was 2. I love being there to spend time with family for days and that there are traditions we can count on. 
Matt is going to fry a turkey

I love that the girls sit out there and watch. They’ll be helping him with it before we know it. And the excitement was even better because Uncle Josh was cleaning 2 deer while he was doing it. 

Yaya is going to make the best meal and we’ll all enjoy watching and saying we’ll learn to do the turkey and gravy but after a glass or two of wine we decide to wait till next year. ;) No one can do it like her anyway! The girls will share champagne

The kids will run around an play for hours. There are never pictures of that because they are too busy but we’ll catch them being sweet when they are relaxing inside. 

Hailey is going to make candy turkeys with the kids and they will literally have chocolate dripping down their elbows

We’ll take Christmas card pictures

Some serious and some silly 

There will be matching pjs for the kids and we’ll attempt a picture 

All in front of the tree that Capn has scouted and driven the grandkids to cut down on Thanksgiving night so that we are decorated and ready for the season.

But the best tradition to count on is that we all gather around the table with our family and friends and thank God for all the many blessings in our life.

We definitely have many. And having the opportunity to spend this kind of time with our family surrounded by the beauty of that place is one of the best!


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