Benton Christmas in the Square

That Coco is something else! She brought extra toys and candy in the Advent calendar this morning since the kids had a sleepover. Plus she left a cool little experiment to do

Those were some excited little girls and proved to them she’s always watching since she knew Bella and Britney  were here! 

We hung out all morning and then at noon had to drop Lillian at Kroger for the kettle bell challenge for 4-H and Bossier Schools. 

When Shaleigh’s Mom brought her back at 1:00 we loaded up to go to the Benton in the Square Christmas Festival. We met Christy, Ashley and Heather and had a total of 9 girls! 

That’s a lot of kids but we had a blast! We’ll go longer next year. We got there late because of the kettle bell and had to rush out after the parade to watch LSU win the SEC championship! That was a great day to start our Christmas season! 


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