Birthday Interview

10 year old interview:

What’s your:
1. Favorite color? Green
2. Toy? LPS (littlest pet shop)
3. Fruit? Pineapple 
4. Show/movie? Avengers or Dr. Pol
5. Lunch? Grilled cheese
6. Outfit? Shorts and t-shirt 
7. Game? Minecraft 
8. Snack? SunChips or apples and peanut butter
9. Song? Everything’s Going to Be Alright- Kenny 
10. Animal? Dogs/puppies (we just got Gypsy)
11. Book? Wings of Fire
12. Best friend? Bella, Lily, Shaleigh and Gypsy now 
13. Cereal? Capt. Crunch
14. Game to play outside? Climb trees or with Bella
15. Drink? Dr. Pepper
16. Holiday? Thanksgiving 
17. Breakfast? Sausage balls
18. Dinner? Outback or fried deer meat
19. What do you want to be when you grow up? Marine Animal Vet for fish and invertebrates at Georgia Aquarium (very specific this year) 


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