Happy Father’s Day

Matt and I have both been blessed with some of the most amazing Dads anyone can ask for. They are always there for us and we can’t thank them enough for all they do for us and the girls. Because on top of being great Dads, they are great as Pops and Capn too!

But I really have to brag on Matt who is the best Dad to our girls. God knew what he was doing when he made him a girl Dad. He seems to always be able to connect with them on something and they genuinely like spending time together. And not many Dads would have a picnic with their daughter’s lovey when she realized she forgot to bring her to Yaya’s house a few days ago so she wouldn’t worry she was lonely. 

It’s the little things they will remember and he makes sure to have those little moments everyday. We love you Matt! Have a Happy Father’s Day! 


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