Big Week

This week was a BIG week in this McCormick household when Lillian started her first job! 

She’s going to work with Matt and doing whatever he needs. So far she has:
Mowed both yards at the camp, started to learn the tractor, sprayed roundup, dug potatoes in Vivian and spent 3 hours shredding papers at the office. Tuesday was her first day and I had to celebrate with her favorite meal- fried deer meat, green beans and potatoes (both from our garden)- followed by homemade blackberry cobbler. She is learning fast and likes the time she’s getting with her Dad

While she’s starting a summer job, me and Katie’s summer hasn’t changed too much. On Sunday she went skating with Britney and her family 

On Monday, all 3 of us went to see Jurassic World. Tuesday was Lilli’s first day (and also Nana’s birthday)

(Isn’t she pretty???❤️❤️❤️) 
and Katie and I just hung around the house and cooked after a dentist appointment. 

Lilli is going to be off every Wednesday so that she can still go to her art class. After class, the 3 of us drove to Karnack to ski with Capn and hang out by the pool with Yaya.

It was Katie’s first time on a knee board and the first time I’d seen them ski in person. They had the best time!

Thursday was back to work for Lil, while Katie had Sadie Stinson over to swim

They have been in the same gymnastics class since January and have quickly become friends. They don’t remember the year they spent together when they were 1 and 2, but are having a lot of fun now and both made the gymnastics team. They swam and played about 4 hours that afternoon before going to Katie’s “favorite place in the world.”

And today was a big work day when Matt, Capn and Lilli dug about 700lbs of potatoes before going to work at the office.

And she got her very first paycheck!!

She may not love the 5:30 alarm but she will love having some money in the bank.

While they were working hard, Christy and I took Katie, Landry, Noah and Britney to Splash Kingdom

We stayed about 5 hours and the kids had a blast! Christy and I played in the water with them a bit too and we were all worn out by the time we left. All 3 girls are having a sleepover at our house to try to soak up as much time together before Landry moves to Ft. Worth next month. We are sure going to miss them! 


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