Last Few Week Catch Up

We ended cousin camp with a record 22 days! We drove Piper down to Baton Rouge last week and spent a couple of nights down there catching up with family. We came home just in time for Kathleen’s first private tumbling lesson where she got her back handspring! 

And two days after we got back, Piper surprised the girls when she FaceTimed from the backyard. 🤣 She and Ryan were on their way to visit family in Dallas and stopped by for some things she left and a bathroom break. It was so funny because they thought she was back again!

While the girls and I were in Baton Rouge, Matt had to “get rid of” our rooster who had become overly aggressive. I’m not sure if it was a coincidence, but right after, we had snakes in the coop on back to back mornings. I had to call Matt to come home to handle it two mornings in a row. The first one was relocated, but  the 2nd one was huge and killed one of our 4 week old chicks, so he didn’t get the same fate. We decided it was too big of a coincidence and had a new rooster later that morning. A neighbor hatched some a few months before and ended up that 4 out of 8 were roosters. She had been trying to pawn one off on us for awhile already. 

It has been over a week and Mac has easily become a part of the flock. And we haven’t seen another snake either! Coincidence? 🤷‍♀️

Most of the past week was work and nothing too exciting other than Matt’s birthday, 
(The girls got to hang out with Yaya that day too) 
but it’s been a wonderful weekend. Matt stayed at the camp last night and Kathleen had a sleepover at Britney’s for her birthday, 

Lil and I hadn’t had one on one time in awhile, so we went to an afternoon movie and spend a quiet night hanging out in our marching pjs. ❤️ She has been horse sitting on and off for a month and also babysitting a few time a week, so she’s been busy too and enjoyed the quiet night.
Kathleen obviously missed me last night because she fell asleep in my arms tonight, which she hasn’t done in forever! 
Matt and I had a morning date and came home to take a nap before I went out with Cara and her family for her birthday today. We went to dinner and then the Clayground for their “Christmas in July” painting night. 

I hated to miss it, but our sweet neighbor, who also has a daughter on the gymnastics team, took Kathleen up to the gym today to meet the former LSU gymnastics coach D.D. Breaux. She was there for 42 years and the longest D1 coach ever. She had her school backpack, a medal and her competition Leo signed and we are going to make a shadow box.

She and Coach Moss were college roommates and have stayed friends. What a super cool afternoon for the girls! 


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