Back to School

We have officially made it through the first full week of school and it’s going well so far. The first day was Thursday, August 10th, and it was nice there were only 2 days to start to ease us into it.

I did really well as we were getting ready that morning, and thought I would be ok, but I starting bawling before I was even out of the parking lot and couldn’t stop for over an hour. I laughed at myself because I knew in my head I was being ridiculous, but the tears didn’t get the message for awhile. It was the first time since Covid lockdown that they were both in school, and my heart hurt at the thought of them being gone so much. I teared up on and off the rest of the day, but it definitely made it better when they got home and had had a good day. I got to go out with the gymnastics Moms that night to celebrate Melissa’s birthday and was feeling better by then

We haven’t seen Shanon, Alex and the boys nearly enough lately and he texted me a couple of weeks ago to find a weekend before hunting season started. They got to our house Friday evening and we had a relaxing couple of days just hanging out at the house and in the pool. Cara, Luke and Josie met up with us Saturday night for dinner and came back to the house for a bit too

The first full week went well too. Kathleen asked me every afternoon if I would just homeschool her again, but she wasn’t upset in the mornings as she left so I knew it couldn’t be too bad. Plus, she had LEAP testing Tuesday and Wednesday and was home by 11:00 those days, so she got a little break mid week, although she said she’d rather go to school for 7 hours than take that test again 

(Jimmy sent “good luck” Chick Fil A) 

On Friday, I picked up 5 kids from school for their Back to School girls night, and 5 more got dropped off within an hour of getting home. It’s our last weekend at the house before hunting season starts and Lilli asked for a big sleepover and I delivered. Of course Kathleen got to have friends too, so 10 kids in the house was LOUD, but so fun! I thought I wouldn’t even see the teenagers but they hung out downstairs singing, dancing, and playing games. Lilli was SHOCKED that I knew some songs they were singing. I keep telling her I wasn’t always just a Mom and maybe one day she will believe me 😉

I fell asleep on the couch about midnight because Sadie gets nervous if I’m in bed before them, and finally at 2AM Kathleen was waking me up to tell me they were going to bed. I heard the teenagers still laughing and have no idea what time they went to sleep, but the sleepover was a success! 


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