Happy Birthday Pops and Opening of Duck Season

We were split last weekend with me and Kathleen in Baton Rouge to celebrate Pops’ birthday and Matt and Lillian at the deer camp for opening of duck season. 

It was a very quick visit. We got to his house around 1:00 Saturday and spent the afternoon visiting with friends and family, and had dinner that evening. We went to Jen’s to sleep about 8:00 and were back at his house at 8:00 Sunday morning to have French toast before we left to come home. I wish it could have been longer, but we had to get back for work and an orthodontist appointment. Plus, we will be back in 3 weeks for Kathleen’s first official meet.

Matt and Lillian were at the camp with Capn, Josh, Case and Shanon for opening of duck season. 

They had two good hunts and everyone was happy with the way their weekend went. Now it’s time to get ready for turkey day!


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