Spring Break in Baton Rouge

We had a fun filled few days in Baton Rouge for spring break. We saw the family plenty, but did some touristy things too to make it more of a vacation. Koy came with us and me, him and Katie all stayed at Jimmy and Theresa’s and Lil stayed with Pops and Honey. 
We left that morning and got there in time for the 4:00 LSU baseball game. Jimmy had gotten us amazing seats behind home plate and it was so fun.

The game was honestly a little slow, but I would have stayed until the end and will never complain about a 7-0 win! But we left after the 6th inning because Anna, Katie and Anson were bored 😉 We didn’t miss much afterwards and met Jimmy and Theresa for dinner at George’s and the kids got to play in the arcade. 

Plus, as we were walking out Koy got a foul ball so it was great timing!

The next morning we were up bright and early to work at the food pantry. Pops was so excited to have his family there helping and the girls finished up their service hours for National Honor Society. 

The azaleas were blooming at St. John’s too. 

We played around the Mall of Louisiana for the rest of the morning 

Before going back to Jimmy’s for naps 

That night was my birthday dinner at Jen’s with the family. Honey made lasagna and lizard brought my favorite strawberry cake from Ambrosia 

Friday was our last day and we had a lazy morning washing clothes and things before going to nana’s for lunch at 11:30. We brought burgers and sandwiches from Brew Bacher’s and had a nice visit 

From there we went to Marucci and Koy got a new bat and we played in the batting cages for and hour and a half

He pitched to us but used the machine for his own batting practice 

We went to Piper’s riding lesson and then met Pops and Honey for Mexican dinner before the LSU gymnastics meet

They always put on a show and it was a blow out win!!

We left Baton Rouge bright and early today to we could be in Bossier for Koy’s tournament this afternoon 

His mama is a photographer and sent lots of pictures. We had several rain delays so it took four hours to get through the first game, and the second one was canceled, but it’s super fun to watch him play! 


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