Summer Fun

We are 2 weeks into summer and loving every minute. The girls ended their school year with straight A’s for both

So we celebrated with a pool party on the first full day Bossier was out of school. We had 17 kids and 3 Moms came too from 3:00-7:00. It was super fun and a great first day of summer!

I’ve been super busy with work with several buyers actively looking and a listing that just closed and one coming up. So the girls have had Plenty of downtime around the house, but we’ve had friends over and done some fun stuff too.

We’ve had sleepovers, gone to movies, done some cooking from the garden and played with our new baby chicks that Dolly hatched.

Koy’s high school summer ball has started and we went to the first game a few days ago. He played two games because he’s one of four freshmen that is on both the freshman and JV teams. He hit three out of four times he was at bat, and had an awesome play where he threw a guy out from centerfield to third.

Madison‘s family closed on their house last Tuesday, but did not leave town until Friday. Her mom and dad were staying in their RV at Cypress Lake so she was with us while her brother was at a friend’s house for 4 nights. Katie loved every second with her but was absolutely exhausted by time she left. They had a going away thing at gymnastics on Thursday and we met a bunch of people at Andy’s yesterday before they left

We will really miss their family and sometimes living in a military town can really stink. 😞

That tournament we went to in Houston was supposed to be the last travel ball one, but there was a last-minute local tournament that they joined so we went today. We are loving baseball season, but I don’t hate that high school games will be weekdays for summer to have the weekends free.

You have to read Katie’s shirt! There was one that said “football” at the gymnastics meet that we thought was hilarious so we had this made. This week coming up looks about the same- work, pool, sleepovers and baseball, and we are loving every minute! 


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