Fall Break
When the kids would tell me they didn’t want to go back to school after a week off, I got it, but I didn’t GET it until now. Now that I’m a teacher and know how much a school day takes out of you, it makes the week go by even faster! But it’s a good thing we have them, otherwise I don’t think anyone would do it. Right as you’re about to go crazy, they give you time off to recoup and do it again 😉 I am so thankful we didn’t have any plans over this break too because that’s what I needed. Lillian started her job at Vivette’s and officially has a horse she can ride anytime she wants. She still does twice a week lessons, but she has been up there everyday feeding, riding, grooming and just hanging out and getting to know him. But since she can’t drive, that’s also meant I have been up and going each morning too. But a 6:30-7:00 alarm is WAY better than my 4:45 school day one so I’m not complaining. Of course a break from school means time with Koy But we also had a big girls ni...