
Showing posts from October, 2024

Fall Break

When the kids would tell me they didn’t want to go back to school after a week off, I got it, but I didn’t GET it until now. Now that I’m a teacher and know how much a school day takes out of you, it makes the week go by even faster! But it’s a good thing we have them, otherwise I don’t think anyone would do it. Right as you’re about to go crazy, they give you time off to recoup and do it again 😉 I am so thankful we didn’t have any plans over this break too because that’s what I needed. Lillian started her job at Vivette’s and officially has a horse she can ride anytime she wants.  She still does twice a week lessons, but she has been up there everyday feeding, riding, grooming and just hanging out and getting to know him. But since she can’t drive, that’s also meant I have been up and going each morning too. But a 6:30-7:00 alarm is WAY better than my 4:45 school day one so I’m not complaining.  Of course a break from school means time with Koy But we also had a big girls night on We


It’s been a busy week in Benton with all the homecoming festivities. There were dress up days every day at school but this is the only pic I got It’s a homecoming tradition to roll friends houses and we got rolled (pretty terribly though, lol) and Lilli went a couple of times too.  We went to the game Friday night and then the main event was the dance last night. Cara came to help with hair and makeup and she looked beautiful. This was her and Koy’s 3rd dance together and it was a great night.  There was a group of 35 kids that met at one house for pics at 3:30, we had dinner at Kobe’s at 5:00, the dance was at 7:00, and then about 15 of them came back here after to hang out in the pool and around a fire pit.  On top of the high school festivities, Kathleen had another home game where she cheered with pep squad and Yaya came to cheer her on.  And Cozy had a birthday and is now officially 1! Lillian made her a cake and had me out at 8:00 at Petsmart the night before because she had forg