Happy Birthday Lillian!!

I'm 5 days late on her birthday post, but we had the best time celebrating our 15 year old! 

How did she go from that baby to such a young woman so quickly?? It always hurts my heart a little to see her birthday pictures through the years.

But she is so fun and I wouldn't trade the age I have now for anything. We both skipped school the day before her birthday to have a girls day. We had nails and hair done, had lunch with Yaya and got a massage 

We went to the deer camp that night so she could wake up and hunt on her bday morning. From there, we went home so she could spend some time with her favorite boy, Little Rock

We got home in just enough time to set up and get ready for her party that night. We had 29 teenagers (including Kathleen and a friend) and Kelli came to supervise with me. They went through 100 cane's chicken tenders. 4 pans of fries, 4 pans of mac and cheese, 80 rolls, plus fruit, cookies and cake! 

It was crazy, but about as good as I could have expected it to go. It's always fun to get to know her friends and I'm so glad she had a good party and got to do what she wanted for the day! 


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