
Showing posts from February, 2016

Too bad it's not Christmas

Because she really wants to sing All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth. Tonight makes 6 total (4 still not in) and no more loose ones for now. She's getting too big! She got brave enough to have Matt pull it after the dentist told her it was ready. Katie had her first checkup too. She was nervous at first but she did great! 

Family Fun Day

Matt was sick for 2 days with the dreaded stomach virus that's plagued almost everyone in the McCormick family over the last few weeks. When he woke up feeling better this morning he said we needed to take the kids to do something because he couldn't sit around here another day. Of course I had no problem coming up with an idea. It was cloudy but the temperature was nice so, after a quick stop for some lunch (his first real meal in days) and some silliness at Rotolo's, we decided to go to one of our favorites- Gators and Friends Katie was the only kid there in her fancy dress and high heels but she got lots of compliments :) No matter how many times we go they never get tired of it. They are both little animal lovers but especially Lilli.  When we were done there, we went to Layoco for some frozen yogurt and were so surprised to see Belle! (From Beauty and the Beast)  Then Matt dropped us off at the park so we could play a little bit before going home. Fun day! 


And I'm the best Mom ever! According to Lilli. And for today at least. :) I got this title after we woke up at the deer camp this morning. We surprised the kids yesterday with a trip up there to see Chad, Rachel, Austin and Josey because they had decided to stay an extra night. On top of getting a surprise afternoon and sleepover with her cousins, I told her she had another surprise for her day off of school (Happy President's Day!). We were meeting Aubrey and Tiffany at Altitude Trampoline Park for a morning play date and then we were picking up Sophie for an afternoon play date at our house.  Apparently this has won me Mom of the Year. I'll take it! 

Happy Valentines's Day!

Matt and I had our first date night since August last night to celebrate Valentine's Day. The girls favorite babysitter, Ms. Sheri, came so that we could go to Superior. We are party animals! We went out around 6:00 and got home around 9:00. :) But that's just what we wanted to do. The girls and I got up to a table of cards, flowers and chocolate for each of us. I sure do love that man! And Mama may have had a few toy surprises for the kids too. Katie loves her batman!  Friday and Saturday were lots of fun. I couldn't make Lilli's Valentine party at school so Matt went instead. I think she loved having her Daddy there even more because she rarely get him all to herself. We had an ice cream party at First Friends too. I was honestly a little nervous at how crazy my class was going to be because parents were there but they did great! And it was such a beautiful day on Saturday that we spent a few hours at the park.  It's been a great weekend so far and to top it off, ...

Americanism Awards Dinner

Tonight all 4 of us went to an awards dinner sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars so that Lilli could receive an award for her coloring of the American Flag. It was something she did back in September or October and we found out last month that she had won 3rd place in our district.  The categories ranged from coloring of the Flag for kindergarteners to writing an essay on your vision for the future of America for high school. I was proud anyway but it was a bigger deal than I expected. Her medal was engraved with her name and she also won money. Her sweet teacher, Mrs.Chism was there to support her and even the Principal came. We are so fortunate to have such great people at her school that have supported her so much this year.            So proud of you Lilli Leigh! 

Kreme of Highland Parade

One if my favorite things about growing up in South Louisiana was Mardi Gras. We only did the New Orleans parades a handful of times but there was always plenty to do in Baton Rouge. Plus we got out of school for 2 days and nothing is better than that! Since moving up here I haven't really gotten as in to it. Yesterday's parade was only the 2nd one since we've had kids. I took Lilli when she was one or two and Cassie and Dillon took her to the Gemini Parade last year. This was Katie's first parade ever and she loved it! I think this is going to have to be a new tradition now that they are older. The Highland Parade is perfect because it's more family oriented and during the day. You know it's fun when Lilli says "that was a great afternoon!" And Katie says "thank you so much for bringing me here!" Without being asked how they liked it.  I held Katie catching beads with her and Lilli ran around picking up everything that hit the ground. It was...

New Adventures

I am now officially a preschool teacher! I've been subbing at First Friends all year and "attempting" to teach Hallie, Sadie and Katie some (but at 2 they are really still too young to get much done). But I took over the MWF preschool class at First Friends this week. The 3 girls switched their Mothers Day Out days and are there at the same time. Monday was my first day and I loved it! I have 9 kids (6 boys and 3 girls) that are 3 and 4 years old. I'm only there 9-12 so that I can take the kids home for a nap, but next year I'll be there 9-2. It's a great schedule that will allow me to also volunteer at Apollo next year and the age is so fun. They are able to sit for a circle time to really do a lesson and are old enough for all the Pinterest crafts I want to do. I'm really happy I got this class and pray I keep this excitement.  Dad and Janet are undertaking a new adventure too.  Their new house is under construction and they should move in this summer. T...