Day trip to the Alexandria Zoo

Lilli and I had an extra special day today.  We took a day trip to Alexandria to meet Pops, Nana, and Peggy to go to the Alexandria Zoo.  The weather is so nice right now and I decided to take advantage of it and to fill up one of our lasts days that Matt will be gone.  It was so good to see some family that we hadn't seen in over a month.  I knew Lilli would have fun going with all of us "old" people but I knew she would have A LOT of fun if we brought Sophie along.  Sophie's Mom dropped her off around 7:00 this morning and me and the girls loaded up in the car and headed to Alexandria.  I was surprised by how well they shared toys and played in the car.  Lilli is usually very good about sharing, but only when it's with someone else's toys. HA! We got there about 10:00 and met at my aunt Peggy's house and then headed to the zoo.  I hadn't been to this zoo since Nana and Papa lived there when I was a kid so I didn't really remember it.  For anyone looking for a good place to take young kids, this is it! The zoo is very nice and well kept and not too big for the little ones.  We took our time looking at the animals and made it through the whole thing in about an hour and a half.  Everyone had a great time! Sophie said her favorites were the tigers, Lilli loved the big turtles and the "big cats" and I think Pops and I both liked watching the monkeys playing.  We were all starving by the time we got done at 12 so we went and had a nice lunch at Piccadilly.  Thanks Pops! Both girls slept from the time we got back on I-49 until about 10 miles before we got to Shreveport.  We made a quick stop at Baskin Robbins before getting back to the house where both girls played in the bath until Rebecca got back to pick up Sophie.  I think they had a blast and I did too.  I've always loved the zoo and I'm so glad I have a kid to take now! Here are some pics from the day.


  1. WoooHoooo!!! Looks like ya'll had a blast! Lilli and precious!!
    You do know that I spent every saturday of my growing up yrs at that zoo?? We rode bikes there every weekend, the shade brigade!! We were too cool for school. And Picadilly is RIGHT across McArthur from the big pencil...get matt to explain. I lived there for 18 yrs right across from the Picadilly!! Man, oh man you have brought some memories back to this ol' head tonight!! thanks...


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