Lilli's First Mardi Gras Parade

Lilli and I had a very good day today! Our friends, Brian and Rebecca, were so sweet to invite us with them to the Highland Mardi Gras Parade.  We got there about 12:30 and walked to Brian's aunt's house who lives on the parade route.  The parade didn't start until 2:00 so we had time for Lilli and their little girl, Sophie to play for a bit before it started.

Right before it started rolling we walked down the street to see the parade.  It was Lilli's first parade ever and she had a blast! She was screaming "throw me something mister" by the time we were 10 minutes in.  She really loved watching all of the floats and having me catch beads for her.  She got a lot for her first time.

We got home just a little while ago and this is her now...
A big day for a little girl!!


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