I think someone may be a little spoiled....


So Lilli has been sick the last two days with a croup cough.  She's had fever and the cough has been nasty so Mom has been making her stay in.  I think she is getting a little stir crazy and decided what she wanted to do instead.  It started when I told her we were going to see Yaya for lunch tomorrow.  Yaya is being so sweet and going to entertain her for a bit while I get my hair cut and then we'll grab some lunch.  I know someone that will be excited to get out of the house but especially to see her Yaya!


  1. OMG!!! and you think I'm not smilin' from ear to ear right now?? Man, oh man....how can you love a child this much?? Toooooo much, huh Lilli??!!!

  2. Hi Amy! I have been following Miss Lilli's progress since before she was born. She is so adorable!!! I know her Yaya is sooooooo happy that she's gonna have a sweet little visitor...
    Jane (artfully graced)

    ps I met your MIL through the blogs...I think we must be sisters. She's truly a special lady. Miss Lilli is so fortunate to have such a doting grandmama (Austin, too!) I now understand her LOVE for your daughter...My eldest son became a father to Eva yesterday...and my heart is filled to overflowing!


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