My little baker

We had a perfect fall day today.  We started the morning with a walk to the park to play.  When we got home we put up our outdoor Halloween decorations together.  And then after that, Lilli asked to make cookies.  She helped a lot! She mixed them (after I got it started for her) and then put them on the pan after I rolled them in to balls.  After they cooled, I iced them and she got to do her favorite part, the sprinkles!
Now the only problem is what to do with 2 dozen cookies. We sure don't need them all! haha


  1. I'm sure you'll find something to do with them!!! hahahahaha.....I MISS MY LILLI BELLE!!!
    (you're such a good mom!)

  2. Look at what a big girl she is Amy!! Deer livers with daddy and cookies with sprinkles with mommy! Lilli has a pretty good life! :)


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