Trick or Treat!!

We had a SCARY witch in our house tonight.
Isn't she terrifying? :) Every time we said she was cute
she said "No, I'm scary."
She had a blast trick or treating tonight but I think she liked passing out candy to the trick or treaters that came to our house just as much.  Last year she cried the first few houses she went to and had to hold her Daddy's hand the whole time.  This year she walked up to the houses "all by myself."
It made the night even better that Yaya, Nana and Peggy all came to go with her.  Nana and Peggy got here yesterday to spend two nights so they could be here today.  Yesterday evening we all sat outside while Matt and Lilli carved the pumpkin for tonight.

And this morning we went to the park to walk and play for a couple of hours.  It was a pretty lazy day but a perfect way to spend our Halloween.


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