An Interesting Trip to See Lights

Tonight Lilli and I went over to Hailey's house to hang out for awhile when she got off work.  Lilli asked if we could take their golf cart around the neighborhood to look at lights and Hailey was more than happy to do it.
Well, we got one street over and it started moving a little slow so we decided to turn around.  It made it about 2 more minutes before it wasn't going to go anymore.  So...
I hopped out to push.  It had a little bit of juice because it was a lot easier with Hailey pushing the gas.  About the time we got turned back on to her street even that got a little tough for just me.  I wish we could have had someone else there to get a picture of this scene.  Two pregnant ladies... me pushing the back and Hailey out of the cart with one hand pushing and one hand steering and my (almost) 3 year old on the floorboard holding down the gas pedal.  We were out of breath by the time we got back and Lilli said her hand hurt but we made it! We didn't want to disappoint on the promise to see lights so we got to hop in Hailey's beautiful brand new Tahoe to ride around instead. Can't complain about that!


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