Christmas in Baton Rouge 2012

This year the three of us all loaded up in the car and headed down to Baton Rouge to spend Christmas down there.  We got there Sunday afternoon so we got to spend all of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day there.  Christmas Eve was spent decorating cookies for Santa
going to church
Cousin Luke (on the right) was part of the live
And then we all went over to Jimmy and Theresa's for a (ridiculously) huge dinner and to open a few presents

Lizard got them matching nightgowns
We spent the night at Jen and Ryan's that night so that we could all wake up together.  Don't worry, we told Santa when we wrote to him that we would be there so he found Lilli.  It was just Dad, his girls, their husbands and his grandchildren for most of the morning. 
Santa brought her car! She loved it in the house but
was too scared to actually drive it.  Hopefully soon.

The big kids loved it though!

She loved the paint your own piggy bank that
Allie got her

After a fun morning of playing with all the new toys the rest of the family started arriving for another HUGE meal.  We had turkey, dressing, 4 or 5 potatoes and casseroles, about 6 pies.... anything you could want.  Of course all that eating led to a lot of sleeping that afternoon
For the adults anyway.  The kids played straight through.  Lilli loved spending the day with her cousins and I was glad to be with my Dad, Grandma and sisters (and the rest of the family too).  It was a wonderful few days but it sure is nice to be cuddled up on the couch at home now too. 


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