Sadie Belle

We have cried more than a few tears over the last few days ever since we found out that Sadie had a fatal fungal infection.  She's only 4 years old so it was especially hard news to get.  It's been getting worse and worse over the last few weeks.  After several trips to the vet over that time they were able to diagnose it a few days ago and we lost her today.  The whole family is going to miss her but especially Matt and Lilli.  She was Matt's buddy that went everywhere with him and he probably spent more time with her than with anyone else.  They really loved each other and their connection was something special.  She was Lilli's friend, play mate and protector.  Lilli told us often that you don't have to worry about monsters because Sadie keeps them scared away.  Any time she would want to go exploring at the deer camp I told her to take Sadie because it really made me feel better to know they were together.  She was much more than a dog, she was part of our family.  And she will be greatly missed.


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