Farmers Market and Sophie's birthday

We had a really good day yesterday. We got up early to go check out the farmer's market in downtown Shreveport. We didn't really need produce because of the wonderful garden at the camp but we were curious to how much it was selling for and also looking for new ideas of what to with it all. It was crazy how big and busy it was! We've been in years passed but always later in the season so have never seen all it has. Definitely worth checking out. Of course we didn't walk out empty handed. We ended up with squash bread, mayhaw jelly, pickles, honey, blueberries and tamales. All so yummy! 

After breakfast at Ihop, we went home for a rest before Sophie's birthday party at Bossier Olympiad. Lilli has been asking for months to take gymnastics classes so she couldn't have had more fun. There were lots of kids and Sophie was the only one she knows well so I was glad to see her play with other kids well. I think we'll be signing up for gymnastics this week. :)


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