First Day of Pre-K!

Lilli started her first day of Pre-K 3 at First Friends yesterday. Our baby is growing up!

She has gone to Mother's Day Out there for the last couple of years so it wasn't totally new but it is more structured. It's now 3 days a week instead of two. She has to raise her hand to talk and they have more lessons instead of just learning through play. She loved her new teacher, Mrs. Jill, and some of her friends from last year are in her class too. I'm looking forward to seeing how much she changes this year. I started back to work while she was there too. Katie is just coming with me so hopefully that will work out. It was so nice to be around so e adults again. 

Of course we had to do something to celebrate her big day so I surprised her with a trip to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and playing after we picked her up. She's been asking to go for weeks so was very excited. 

Her friend Gregory came to play after that and then we went to church for our Wednesday dinner and connection that we are starting to go to. It was a very full day and she was a very tired girl but I am really looking forward to fall and our routines getting started again. 


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