They Grow Too Fast

This picture was taken about a month ago. It was the first time I put her in her activity jumper. She pretty much just chewed on the side of the seat and her feet barely touched the highest level. 

This one was taken today. She spins herself around now and plays with the toys and loves it. 

It is crazy how much they change in such a short time. She's 4 1/2 months and before we know it she'll be sitting up, crawling, walking, talking... I think it hits you a lot more with your second child. I couldn't wait for Lilli to hit the next milestone but now I wish Katie would just slow down. :)  I wouldn't mind Lilli slowing down too. My "baby" has become such a beautiful little girl. 


  1. Hey Lilli!!!!! what time is it??? hahahahaha....too cute!


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