Katie's First Day at First Friends

Katie had her first day of Mother's Day Out yesterday and it went really well.  I was very sad about her starting the day before but we were both perfectly fine when I dropped her off.  Her teacher said she was all smiles and laughs all day except when nap time rolled around but that fussing didnt last long.  She's going to go on Mondays from 9-12 and 9-2 on Fridays. 

I think it's going to be good for us for a lot of reasons.  For me, I'm so excited to go back to the office for some adult interaction and to have a little time on my own those weeks we don't have much going on.  For her, I'm hoping it helps some with her separation anxiety (she seems to do fine while I'm gone but can't stand for me to even leave the room when we are together) and for her to not be such a light sleeper.  Her day must have worn her put because last night she didn't cry at all when I put her down and slept 8-6! She's not been the best sleeper since she got the flu before Christmas so I hope we have turned around! It's been so nice to be able to be with her all the time for the last 8 months but I am so excited yesterday went well and I'm really feeling good about this change
When she first saw me- she was happily opening and closing the door to the changing table until she heard me call her name. 


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