What a Full Day!

I started posting today at 7:45 am.  It is now 7:00 pm and we've just about wrapped up the celebration.  We met Yaya and Matt (it's the last weekend of hunting season so he came from the camp) at Trejo's in Blanchard at 11:00 for lunch.  Lilli got her gifts from Yaya and Cap'n and the waiters sang to her.  She loved it when they did it 2 years ago but not do much this year.  

Katie didn't like it either.  So funny because she did the same thing on Hailey's birthday do now I'm sure it's the singing that scares her. 

Our next stop was the Jubilee Zoo.  She always loves feeding the animals and the pony ride and she, Katie and I went on the hay ride to feed the big animals while Daddy and Yaya watched. 

At 4:00 Aubrey and Sophie got here for our afternoon play date and to stay for dinner and ice cream cake.  The girls play so well together and always seem to have fun. We really should do it more often.  

She'd now exhausted and I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight but I think she had a very happy birthday! 

Happy 4th Birthday Lillian Leigh! Daddy, Katie and I love you very much! 


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