Happy 4th of July!

We spent the weekend celebrating the 4th of July at Rio Bonito.  It was so relaxing to lay by the pool and visit with family and friends.  Allie came in for the weekend and it was the most time she and I have gotten to spend one on one together in years.  Lilli is always so happy to have Lala with her too! 

Chad, Rachel and Austin were there Friday so Lilli and Austin spent all day playing. They are really sweet together and have so much fun.

On Saturday Cassie, Dillon, Lily and Luke came out to hang out for the day.  We spent the afternoon in the pool


And Cap'n took us for a really nice boat ride. 

We love getting to hang out with them but it seems our schedules don't allow it very often.  And Dillon is leaving for a 6 month deployment in a few days so we won't have another chance for a while.  It's because of our military that we are able to celebrate our independence.  We know it is not an easy sacrifice for you and your family to make but we thank you for what you do! 

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."- Elmer Davis


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