New Orleans

Lizard's favorite city is New Orleans so we couldn't think of anything better for her birthday than spending the day down there.  We all kind of did our own thing in small groups the first half go the day. We started by getting beignets at a place close to Jackson Brewery. There was a man playing a keyboard there that we were seated right next to. He played Happy Birthday for Lizard and the whole place sang.  Lilli requested Twinkle Twinkle Little Star so he proceeded to play lots of kids songs for her, with a "New Orleans twist" of course. 

From there, some of us decided to walk around the Quarter while me, Allie, GranJan, Peggy and Lizard took all 6 kids to the aquarium.  It was more crowded than I have ever seen it but we all still had a good time.  I promised Lilli I'd take her back this fall on a school day so she could take her time. 

We met up with the rest of the family at Superior Seafood on St. Charles after that.  We had the patio to ourselves and had a great time. 

Lizard, Janice, Jimmy, Theresa, Dad and Janet stayed in New Orleans from there to walk around Magazine Street and spend the evening.  The rest of us went back to Baton Rouge to Jen and Ryan's house to let the kids play some more.  They really couldn't get enough of each other and played so well. 


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