6 under 4!

I haven't had too much going in in the last couple of weeks that gave me things to blog about.  Last week we spent 3 nights in Baton Rouge because I went for a funeral.  It was obviously a last minute trip so we didn't have too many plans during the day while we were there.  It was kind of a nice change because we're usually running all over town.  We did get to have dinner with the whole family twice and one night it was just me, the girls, Dad, and his girlfriend Janet, at his house for dinner.  It was nice to get to spend some time getting to know her without a crowd. Then when we got back, Lilli got sick and ran fever for several days so all of our plans here were put on hold and we pretty much stayed around the house.  

Life is back to being as busy as normal now.  Chris and Carissa came in town to visit and for a wedding.  It was the first time we had seen them since they moved over 3 months ago and we'd really missed them. The best part about friends like that is it doesn't matter how long you've gone without seeing each other or talking much, you just pick up right where you left off.  It's crazy what a difference that time makes in the kids too. Alex is almost 10 months now so he was right up with the other kids playing. 

On Saturday, we had a play date with 6 kids ages 4 and under! I had plans I'd had to cancel with Cassie the weekend before because of the Baton Rouge trip so we planned to have her come this weekend instead.  And Matt and Josh had to work late in to the night so Hailey and Case decided to come too.  It was a little crazy with 4 kids between 10 and 16 months.  They're not really old enough to play together so they pretty much fought over toys the whole time but it was cute to watch.  We even bathed them all here so that everyone was ready for bed when they got home.  

It was definitely crazy for those few hours but so fun! I want to do it again soon. I'm sure Matt wouldn't mind if I waited till he was working again though. :) 


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