Last (Week) Day of Summer

Lilli starts back to Pre-K4 next Tuesday and Katie will go to Mother's Day Out twice a week while I go to the office.  I've really got conflicting feelings about it.  On one hand, it's going to be nice to have a little time to myself and I know Lilli really gets bored and loves school.  She's so smart (I'm not biased;) and it's sometimes hard for me to think of things to keep her stimulated.  It will also be nice to be in a little more of a routine.  On the other hand, I really enjoy the 3 of us being home together all day with very few places we HAVE to be.  Now I'm not going to lie and say they don't drive me absolutely crazy sometimes but I wouldn't change a thing.  Pre-K4 is only offered 5 days a week so this will be the first time since Lilli was born that we're going to have to be up and out of the house every morning.  Katie is really going to miss her on the days she's home with me but it will also be nice for she and I to get that one on one time we rarely have.  

Since it is our last (week)day of summer we decided to go out and have a little fun. It started with a trip to the spray park and Lilli rode her bike all the way there for the first time. 

After Katie's nap we went and ran a few errands and then went to the library.  It's one of Lilli's favorite places to go.  We played for about an hour and walked out with 18 books! Sounds like Mama has a lot of reading to do. 

We can't wait for the 3 day weekend (yay!) and to get to spend some time with the 4 of us all together before the craziness of school and hunting season starting next week.  The weather may not feel like it but it's almost fall y'all. 


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