Baby Day!

We had a very exciting day yesterday as two new babies were born in to our family! Chad, Rachel and Austin welcomed Josephine Reese at 4:51 pm.  She was 8lb 11 oz, 21 inches and absolutely perfect! I hear Mom and baby both did great all day and Austin is so excited to be a big brother.  We hope to meet her next week and love her already! 

We knew Josey was coming because Rachel went in to the hospital Sunday night but we were surprised when I got a text about 9:30 yesterday morning that Kelly was in labor too.  I don't know what time he got here but I got a text at around 2:30 that Brooks Wallace was officially here. He was 8 lb 9 oz and 21.5 inches. Kelly did great too and Andrew is over the moon about having a baby brother.

When I told Lilli they were both coming she literally screamed "eee!! I get two new cousins today." 

And hours after we had two new babies join the family, my "little" girl hit a milestone that proves she is definitely not a baby anymore. She lost her first tooth! And last night the tooth fairy came for a visit and brought a whole dollar.
What an exciting day! 


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