Our 5 Year Old

Each year on her birthday I ask Lilli the same birthday interview questions to see how they change over the years.  We asked last at dinner:
1. What is your favorite color? Pink, purple and red
2. Favorite toy? Molly and Teddy
3. Favorite fruit? Apples
4. Favorite show? Wild Kratts and Dolphin Tale
5. Favorite lunch? Peanut butter and honey with pickles
6. Favorite outfit? Birthday girl shirt (last year her answer was what she had on too)
7.  Favorite game? Candyland
8. Favorite snack? Goldfish
9. Favorite song? Alphabet song
10. Favorite animal? Monkey and dolphin
11. Favorite book? Berenstein Bears
12. Best friend? Chloe and Claire
13. Favorite cereal? Cinnamon toast crunch
14. Forte thing to do outside? Play with Bella and jump on the trampoline
15. Favorite drink? Milk and sprite
16. Favorite holiday? Christmas
17. Favorite thing to take to bed? New toy monkey (we bought at Gators and Friends minutes before) 
18. Favorite breakfast? Donuts 
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Outback(where we were, or as she called it... The place with the brown bread and butter and fried crawfish) 
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Dolphin Trainer

The birthday festivities continued yesterday.  We started by eating lunch at McDonalds and letting her play over an hour (a present in itself because she asks all the time but we never go).  After Katie's nap we went to Gators and Friends for the afternoon.  Matt surprised her there too and we all went to dinner and then home for Pops' king cake for dessert.  She had a wonderful birthday. 


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