Tonsils are Out!

We had a rough 36 hours but Lilli is starting to feel a little better. She was a nervous little girl at first. It was very hard to watch her so teary but I know this will be good in the long run. She did not want to have it done but after the medicine to ease her anxiety she got a little goofy and was asleep by the time they took her back I'll be honest it was heartbreaking when she came out though. The nurse said a lot if kids have this reaction when coming out of anesthesia but she was kicking and screaming and completely hysterical. They let us go pretty quickly and she fell asleep in the car and was out most of the afternoon. She did wake up for about an hour to eat the icee Hailey and Case brought and then again to see Yaya a little later. Katie did not understand how bad "sissy" felt so Yaya decided to take her for the night. It was her first time to be away from both me and Lilli at once but I think she was ok! They had a blast and...