Field Day and a Day Away

Yesterday was field day at First Friends.  They had rescheduled it twice already because of rain so when it was too wet again to have it on the lawn, they just moved it indoors.  I wanted to stay to watch since this is the last day like this she will have in preschool (sniff) but we didn't make it too long.  We saw a few things

But it's hard to explain to a 2 year old that she can't join in the fun so we left for an hour to go to library story time.  
We were back in time to watch her in her last race and have a snow cone and snack. Luckily Katie did get to join in that. 

Straight from there we met Yaya for her to take them for the night.  It was the first time they've both been with her together and it's safe to say they had a great time.  She didn't totally spoil them though, she did make them work for their meals! 

They must be sworn to secrecy because when I ask what all they did the only answer I can get is "we played." I guess what happens at Yaya's house stays at Yaya's house. :) 


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