Pink Pony Party

We started Katie's birthday weekend with her birthday party at The Party Barn.  It's run by a stay at home Mom that has birthday parties at her barn right next to her house.  Katie is very girly and loves to ride ponies so I wanted to make it special for her.  Jen, Allie and John came with me an hour early to get it set up.  

Once it was set up it was time to party! The kids started in the bounce house and played with and pet all the animals at first.  

Then it was time for pizza and of course cake and ice cream

Once lunch was over it was time for pony and horse rides.  All of the kids loved that part and even some of the adults got on.  Both the girls probably rode ten times each. 

It was a fun party and I was really pleased with the way it turned out.  But most importantly, the birthday girl loved it! 


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