Starting A Birthday Week Right

Austin is in town staying with Yaya and Cap'n this week so we had an extra fun afternoon meeting them and Hailey and Case at Chuck E. Cheese. Yaya said it was like a casino for kids. (Lol, oh Yaya!) They ran around like crazy riding rides and playing the games. 

And these 3 loved dancing with Chuck E. Cheese

While Case preferred to wave from afar :)
Katie especially liked him. She tried to get him to come play with her when the dancing was over 
But I told her he needed to go back to work 

Our house was showing when we were done there so we met Matt at Shogun for an early birthday dinner. We'd been talking about taking the kids there for months because we knew they'd love the show.
Well, we were right about one at least. Lilli thought it was great but Katie was worried they were going to burn the place down. When he did the big fire, she jumped up and hid behind her Daddy. Oh well, she enjoyed her birthday meal. Lots more celebrating will happen this weekend at the deer camp. Can't believe my baby is almost 3! 


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