Swimming and Story Time

Yaya took the girls last night to give me a chance to rest. This recovery is taking much longer than I expected but I'm doing pretty well. I don't feel too bad as long as I rest enough but I honestly have been doing way too much this week and I was paying for it. I definitely took advantage of them being gone. I took 2 naps and slept 9 hours that night. The girls are always happy to go stay with Yaya and Cap'n but the best part was the pool was fixed! 
You can't really beat a day with your Yaya in her pool! 

I met her this morning in time to pick up Lilli to go to Sonlit Summer at the church. It's a once a week thing all summer where they go do something fun and then tie to a Bible lesson. Today they went to Party Central. She couldn't remember the Bible lesson. ;) That's ok, I'm thankful for our children's directors making church a place they want to go.

While she was there, Lauren called and offered to take Katie to story time at the library. I took the extra hour to rest but Katie was more than happy to go with Hallie. They hadn't seen each other in a month and always have fun. 
I hope by next week I'm up for a little more activity but right now I'm looking forward to Pops, Honey, Ryan and the Baton Rouge cousins to come tomorrow to celebrate Father's Day at the deer camp. 


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