Love These 3!

 I must be feeling sentimental today but I'm feeling so lucky to have these days with my kids this summer. I started this blog as a way to help me through my grief after losing my mom. After she died, one of my biggest fears was I wouldn't be able to tell my girls what they were like when they were little so I was going to let this be my words. Now while I don't still have that fear everyday, I do still enjoy writing it. Because, let's face it, I'm not going to remember everything regardless.  But I sure hope I remember how KatieJane is at this age. She has been extra sweet lately and it's a good thing because she's also been a handful! ;) but it's a self esteem booster to hang out with her. She's constantly telling me I'm beautiful, smart, the best Mama, how much she loves me (I'm not exaggerating- at least 20 times a day)... And if it were up to her she would spend every waking minute with me. In her eyes I can do no wrong. Of course Lilli is a sweetheart and definitely a Mama's girl but she's getting to the age where she wants to have some time alone too. I'm the luckiest woman to be loved by these 3. They'll never know how much I love them. 
Sometimes you just need to stop and tell them :) 


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