Daddy Daughter Dance

Be still my heart! I think last night may have been the sweetest thing I have ever witnessed. Watching Matt with Lilli was one of those moments that made me fall in love with him all over again. 
It was Apollo's Daddy Daughter Dance and she was the happiest little girl that he agreed to go. When she first heard about it she didn't think he would want to. And I don't know if he really WANTED to, but he went to make her happy. When he got home he said he really had fun and was so glad he went. He did it right too!! From asking her to the dance last week, to putting on his suit and then ringing the door bell to "pick her up" and showing up with flowers. He opened the car door and she said each time he opened a door for her all night he said, "M'lady." As she told me all the things he did as I tucked her in last night, I told her to never accept anything less from any boy. He's such a good Daddy! 

And Matt said she may have not been the happiest girl last night, but there was no one happier. 
They danced, ate cupcakes and took a picture before going to eat. "Dancing the night away" was exactly what she wanted to do according to her school journal entry yesterday.  
"When I go to the Daddy Daughter Dance I will dance the night away. Daddy will like it. I will wear a light blue dress. We are going to Outback. I love my Daddy." 

They tried Outback (her favorite) but it was a 30 minute wait and already 8:00 so they went to Chimi V's. They were home about 9:00 and I'm not exaggerating when I say she was asleep by 9:10. An amazing night she will always remember. 

Me and Ms. KatieJane had a fun night too. We went to get ice cream to celebrate 5 days of her sleeping in her bed! It's still a work in progress because all but 2 nights she woke me up and asked me to tuck her back in. But I'll take it! At least she's not using her ninja skills to crawl up next to me. And I didn't expect me allowing this for almost 4 years to be undone in a day. But we are on our way to having an independent sleeper and it's time. She's ready too. I'm sure to give extra cuddles before bed and I think that's part of what's helping.
A great night for all of us. 


  1. ...sigh!!! I'm a happy YaYa reading this....happy for sweet Lilli and SO very proud of my boy!!! He did good!!❤️


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