I'm Not Sure Where She Gets It

I know I am biased but Lilli never ceases to amaze me. I got a call from her music teacher several weeks ago to let me know she had recommended Lilli for the role of the youngest daughter in the Shreveport Opera's production of Fiddler on the Roof. She said there were other kids in the school who had talent, but none she would put her name with. Of course that made us proud in itself! She auditioned, but did not get the role. The director ended up with going with an older child who had been in a production before. She wasn't upset, and to be honest I wasn't either. It would've been a big commitment as far as rehearsals.  And not getting the first role she ever auditioned for is probably a good character builder. But, I got another call from that same teacher last night to tell me Lilli has a "sparkle" to her and that she and the art teacher have both nominated her for the talented program through Bossier Parish schools. She will undergo a couple of evaluations and we don't know if she will make it, but it's amazing that so many have seen this talent in her. I don't have a creative bone in my body, but I do know where she gets it. It's from her daddy! I did not know what an artist he was until we had children, but I was amazed when they started drawing together. 

And then today, I got this from her teacher.
She was so impressed with all of the detail in the picture that she asked if she could keep it to always hang in her classroom.  She loved that it wasn't just her feeding the dolphin, but all of the other animals in the background. She said that's a talent that can't be taught.

Of course Matt and I think she is amazing, but in the last 24 hours we've had three of her teachers say that they feel the same way. Always nice to hear as a parent. I want to find ways to grow this since I'll obviously be no help. :)

She's getting too big. I took her to a movie last weekend, just the two of us, because we never get one on one time anymore.
 It's really hit me that time goes by so fast. She's 7! When did that happen? And if all of our experiences the last six months have taught us anything, it's that you never know what life is going to hand you. So get the babysitter for a date night,  take the trip, spend one-on-one time with each of your kids. You never know with the next day holds.

And on a different note... Happy Birthday Capn!! We love you so much and thank for being such a great Dad, Father-in-law and CAPN to all of us! Hope it's a great day!


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